Тема 3. Лексика и грамматика
3.02 Задания 19-36
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Задача 1#72772

Students enter the host country with a special student visa. Applications can take six to ten months to process, and students must return home once time is up. It is usually______________________ for them to stay longer. POSSIBLE

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Обычно для них невозможно (adjective) оставаться дольше: IMPOSSIBLE


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Задача 2#72768

It is typical for students to stay with a host family while they are studying abroad. This provides them with the opportunity of learning at close quarters what ______________________ life in the host country is really like. DAY

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повседневнная (adjective) жизнь - DAILY life

Ответ: DAILY

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Задача 3#72761

Students are often expected to have a firm grasp of the language before they go. Students from Germany, for example, must usually have the ______________________ to communicate in English in order to participate in an American exchange programme. ABLE

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Ученики из Германии, например, обычно должны иметь способность (noun) говорить на английском: ABILITY


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Задача 4#72753

For short-term exchange programmes, students may spend just a summer in the host country. For longer-term programmes, students ______________________ live in the host country for 10-12 months. GENERAL

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На более долгосрочные программы ученики, как правило (adverb), живут в принимающей стране по 10-12 месяцев: GENERALLY


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Задача 5#72748

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк обозначенных номерами 25-29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните протеки получвнныки словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25-29. Ответ необходимо записывать заглавными буквами.

Student exchange programmes

Student exchange programmes provide an incredible opportunity for students of one country to go and study at institutions abroad. At their best, they are culturally satisfying and highly______________________ . EDUCATION

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Программы по обмену весьма образовательные / познавательные (adjective): EDUCATIONAL


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Задача 6#72741

To become a Sir, you have to ‘receive a knighthood’, an honour only ever ______________________ to men. However, many women, such as Judi Dench and Julie Andrews, have the equivalent title for females, which is ‘Dame’. GIVE

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Чтобы стать Сэром, нужно "получить рыцарство", честь, когда-либо предоставлявшаяся (Particible ll) только мужчинам: GIVEN 

Ответ: GIVEN

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Задача 7#72740

In past centuries, only successful military commanders and politicians ______________________ the title for services to their country. However, in 1917, the British government decided to extend the title to other citizens. AWARD

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В прошлом, только успешные командиры и политики награждались (Past Simple Passive) титулом за службу Родине: WERE AWARDED


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Задача 8#72739

A knight in shining armour

Elton John is an extremely famous British pop star. People all around the world______________________ of him, but not so many know that his official title is Sir Elton John. How did he become 'Sir Elton'? HEAR

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Люди по всему миру слышали о нём (важен сам факт, а не то, когда они слышали, важен их опыт, Present Perfect): HAVE HEARD


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Задача 9#72738

There in the living room, on the coffee table, was her laptop. On the screen, a pop-up advert______________________ , probably half an hour earlier, for a game with thousands of crickets. With one quick click, there was peace and quiet in the house again. APPEAR

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Реклама появилась за полчаса до того, как она вошла в комнату (Past Perfect): HAD APPEARED


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Задача 10#72737

Initially, she tried to ignore it but it just became more and more annoying. So, finally she______________________ to investigate. GO

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В конце концов, она пошла (Past Simple) проверить: WENT 
Вся история происходит в прошедшем времени, в предыдущем предложении все глаголы тоже в Past Simple. 

Ответ: WENT

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Задача 11#72735

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19-24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19-24. Ответ необходимо записывать заглавными буквами без пробелов.

Funny noise

Maria was lying on her bed reading quietly. All of a sudden, she heard the strangest noise, which sounded something like insects, ______________________ from the living room. COME

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Она услышала звук, идущий (Participle I) из гостинной: COMING


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Задача 12#67257

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30-36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30-36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


Gilbert was determined that his son Martin was not going to end up working on the shop-floor of a car factory for the rest of his life. He put in hours of overtime to earn enough money to 30___________ that the boy could have extra tuition in maths general science and English. He felt well 31___________ when the boy passed his eleven plus exam and won a place at Manchester Grammar school. That pride didn't falter when Martin went on to pass five O-levels and, 32___________, two years later added two A-levels. Gilbert tried not to show his disappointment when the boy informed him that he didn't want to go to university.

"What kind of career are you hoping to take up then, lad?" Gilbert enquired. "I have filled an application form to join you on the shop-floor just as soon as I leave school. The point is, Dad, I can't be 33___________ to spend my life doing a job I don't enjoy just to satisfy one of your fantasies."

Gilbert promised that the application would be turned down in the morning. He 34___________ uttered another word to the boy before leaving for the factory. For over a week father and son didn't speak to each other. It was Martin's mother who was left to come up with the compromise. She 35___________ that Martin should go to work to the hotel. He confided that he thought hotel management seemed the least unattractive proposition he had considered so far. He reluctantly 36___________ to this solution. 


1) agreed
2) accepted
3) adopted
4) admitted

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Он неохотно согласился на это решение - agreed

accepted - принял (не употребляется с предлогом to)
adopted - принял, утвердил
admitted - признался

Ответ: 1

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Задача 13#67256

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30-36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30-36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


Gilbert was determined that his son Martin was not going to end up working on the shop-floor of a car factory for the rest of his life. He put in hours of overtime to earn enough money to 30___________ that the boy could have extra tuition in maths general science and English. He felt well 31___________ when the boy passed his eleven plus exam and won a place at Manchester Grammar school. That pride didn't falter when Martin went on to pass five O-levels and, 32___________, two years later added two A-levels. Gilbert tried not to show his disappointment when the boy informed him that he didn't want to go to university.

"What kind of career are you hoping to take up then, lad?" Gilbert enquired. "I have filled an application form to join you on the shop-floor just as soon as I leave school. The point is, Dad, I can't be 33___________ to spend my life doing a job I don't enjoy just to satisfy one of your fantasies."

Gilbert promised that the application would be turned down in the morning. He 34___________ uttered another word to the boy before leaving for the factory. For over a week father and son didn't speak to each other. It was Martin's mother who was left to come up with the compromise. She 35___________ that Martin should go to work to the hotel. He confided that he thought hotel management seemed the least unattractive proposition he had considered so far. He reluctantly 36___________ to this solution. 


1) submitted 
2) offered
3) advocated
4) suggested

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suggest that smb should - устойчивый контекст именно для suggest

Ответ: 4

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Задача 14#67255

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30-36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30-36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


Gilbert was determined that his son Martin was not going to end up working on the shop-floor of a car factory for the rest of his life. He put in hours of overtime to earn enough money to 30___________ that the boy could have extra tuition in maths general science and English. He felt well 31___________ when the boy passed his eleven plus exam and won a place at Manchester Grammar school. That pride didn't falter when Martin went on to pass five O-levels and, 32___________, two years later added two A-levels. Gilbert tried not to show his disappointment when the boy informed him that he didn't want to go to university.

"What kind of career are you hoping to take up then, lad?" Gilbert enquired. "I have filled an application form to join you on the shop-floor just as soon as I leave school. The point is, Dad, I can't be 33___________ to spend my life doing a job I don't enjoy just to satisfy one of your fantasies."

Gilbert promised that the application would be turned down in the morning. He 34___________ uttered another word to the boy before leaving for the factory. For over a week father and son didn't speak to each other. It was Martin's mother who was left to come up with the compromise. She 35___________ that Martin should go to work to the hotel. He confided that he thought hotel management seemed the least unattractive proposition he had considered so far. He reluctantly 36___________ to this solution. 


1) rarely
2) merely
3) hardly
4) nearly

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Он едва ли произнёс ещё слово в разговоре с мальчиком перед тем, как уйти на завод - hardly

rarely - редко
merely - просто, только, всего лишь
nearly - почти, чуть было

Ответ: 3

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Задача 15#67254

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30-36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30-36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


Gilbert was determined that his son Martin was not going to end up working on the shop-floor of a car factory for the rest of his life. He put in hours of overtime to earn enough money to 30___________ that the boy could have extra tuition in maths general science and English. He felt well 31___________ when the boy passed his eleven plus exam and won a place at Manchester Grammar school. That pride didn't falter when Martin went on to pass five O-levels and, 32___________, two years later added two A-levels. Gilbert tried not to show his disappointment when the boy informed him that he didn't want to go to university.

"What kind of career are you hoping to take up then, lad?" Gilbert enquired. "I have filled an application form to join you on the shop-floor just as soon as I leave school. The point is, Dad, I can't be 33___________ to spend my life doing a job I don't enjoy just to satisfy one of your fantasies."

Gilbert promised that the application would be turned down in the morning. He 34___________ uttered another word to the boy before leaving for the factory. For over a week father and son didn't speak to each other. It was Martin's mother who was left to come up with the compromise. She 35___________ that Martin should go to work to the hotel. He confided that he thought hotel management seemed the least unattractive proposition he had considered so far. He reluctantly 36___________ to this solution. 


1) insisted
2) expected
3) persisted
4) promised

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Мартин говорит: "нельзя от меня ожидать (expect), что я проведу всю жизнь, занимаясь тем, что мне не нравится" - "I can't be expected to spend my life doing a job I don't enjoy"

insist - настаивать
persist - сохранять, оставаться
promise - обещать

Ответ: 2

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Задача 16#67253

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30-36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30-36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


Gilbert was determined that his son Martin was not going to end up working on the shop-floor of a car factory for the rest of his life. He put in hours of overtime to earn enough money to 30___________ that the boy could have extra tuition in maths general science and English. He felt well 31___________ when the boy passed his eleven plus exam and won a place at Manchester Grammar school. That pride didn't falter when Martin went on to pass five O-levels and, 32___________, two years later added two A-levels. Gilbert tried not to show his disappointment when the boy informed him that he didn't want to go to university.

"What kind of career are you hoping to take up then, lad?" Gilbert enquired. "I have filled an application form to join you on the shop-floor just as soon as I leave school. The point is, Dad, I can't be 33___________ to spend my life doing a job I don't enjoy just to satisfy one of your fantasies."

Gilbert promised that the application would be turned down in the morning. He 34___________ uttered another word to the boy before leaving for the factory. For over a week father and son didn't speak to each other. It was Martin's mother who was left to come up with the compromise. She 35___________ that Martin should go to work to the hotel. He confided that he thought hotel management seemed the least unattractive proposition he had considered so far. He reluctantly 36___________ to this solution. 


1) however
 2) moreover
3) nevertheless
4) therefore

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По контексту больше всего подходит moreover - более того (гордость не дрогнула, когда он сдал экзамены при выпуске из средней школы и, более того, 2 года спустя, он добавил к ним 2 экзамена при выпуске из старшей школы).

however - однако
nevertheless - тем не менее
therefore - поэтому

Ответ: 2

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Задача 17#67244

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30-36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30-36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


Gilbert was determined that his son Martin was not going to end up working on the shop-floor of a car factory for the rest of his life. He put in hours of overtime to earn enough money to 30___________ that the boy could have extra tuition in maths general science and English. He felt well 31___________ when the boy passed his eleven plus exam and won a place at Manchester Grammar school. That pride didn't falter when Martin went on to pass five O-levels and, 32___________, two years later added two A-levels. Gilbert tried not to show his disappointment when the boy informed him that he didn't want to go to university.

"What kind of career are you hoping to take up then, lad?" Gilbert enquired. "I have filled an application form to join you on the shop-floor just as soon as I leave school. The point is, Dad, I can't be 33___________ to spend my life doing a job I don't enjoy just to satisfy one of your fantasies."

Gilbert promised that the application would be turned down in the morning. He 34___________ uttered another word to the boy before leaving for the factory. For over a week father and son didn't speak to each other. It was Martin's mother who was left to come up with the compromise. She 35___________ that Martin should go to work to the hotel. He confided that he thought hotel management seemed the least unattractive proposition he had considered so far. He reluctantly 36___________ to this solution. 


1) repaid
2) reclaimed
3) regained
4) rewarded

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Он чувствовал, что его усилия были вознаграждены - rewarded

repaid - погашен (про долг, кредит)
reclaimed - восстановлен, возвращен
regained - значения такие же, как у reclaimed

Ответ: 4

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Задача 18#67241

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30-36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30-36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


Gilbert was determined that his son Martin was not going to end up working on the shop-floor of a car factory for the rest of his life. He put in hours of overtime to earn enough money to 30___________ that the boy could have extra tuition in maths general science and English. He felt well 31___________ when the boy passed his eleven plus exam and won a place at Manchester Grammar school. That pride didn't falter when Martin went on to pass five O-levels and, 32___________, two years later added two A-levels. Gilbert tried not to show his disappointment when the boy informed him that he didn't want to go to university.

"What kind of career are you hoping to take up then, lad?" Gilbert enquired. "I have filled an application form to join you on the shop-floor just as soon as I leave school. The point is, Dad, I can't be 33___________ to spend my life doing a job I don't enjoy just to satisfy one of your fantasies."

Gilbert promised that the application would be turned down in the morning. He 34___________ uttered another word to the boy before leaving for the factory. For over a week father and son didn't speak to each other. It was Martin's mother who was left to come up with the compromise. She 35___________ that Martin should go to work to the hotel. He confided that he thought hotel management seemed the least unattractive proposition he had considered so far. He reluctantly 36___________ to this solution. 


1) ensure
2) confirm
3) assure
4) convince

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Он работал много, чтобы заработать достаточно денег, чтобы обеспечить плату за обучение - ensure.

confirm - подтвердить
assure - заверить (кого-то в чём-то)
convince - убедить

Ответ: 1

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Задача 19#67237

Like bats, the oilbird uses sounds to help it fly in darkness. As it flies, it makes clicking noises which bounce off objects in the caves in South America where it lives, and help the bird find its way. ___________ most birds, the kiwi has a good sense of smell which helps it find food at night. LIKE

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В отличие от большинства птиц: UNLIKE most birds


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Задача 20#67234

The kakapo is the only parrot that is ___________ at night. All other parrots are daytime birds that live in and around trees. During the day the kakapo sleeps, and at night it comes out to find fruit, berries and leaves to eat. The kakapo only lives in New Zealand. ACT

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Единственный попугай, который активен (прилагательное) всю ночь: ACTIVE

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